Getting involved with the group is totalling down to you. You can give as much or as little time as you wish!
If you just want to help keep the Hut tidy by giving an hour a month, that’s fine.
If you want to get involved with the running of the Hut, then you can join our Executive Committee. We meet bi-monthly to discuss all things related to the running of the headquarters. We talk about paying the bills to replacing the fence and raising monies to do these things.
If you want to get involved with helping the Young People of the group, then this too can be as much or as little as you like. As you are working with young people you will have to complete a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks (previously CRB checks) See this link.
You can help as part of a parent rota, helping at the evening, every so often.
You can be a Sectional Assistant, helping most weeks, but not wearing a uniform.
Or finally you can become a Uniformed Leader. Taking an active role in giving Scouting to the young people of the community. Part of being a Uniformed leader is to do various training to help give you new skills, or hone the ones you already have.
What ever role you decide to do, thank you!