For the latest news, check out
26/11/2013 – Lloyds TBS Committee Fund – Thank you for all our votes, we were given a grant for £300. Which will got towards the repaiting of out North and west walls.
03/10/2013 – Lloyds TBS Committee Fund – We’ve been short listed for a chance of “winning” a £3000 grant. Please visit our page and vote. Don’t forget you can vote once per email address via the link, once via a text message, and as many times as you want if you visit the Southwick Branch of lloiyds Bank in in Southwick Square
04/05/2013 – Only a week to go till our Birthday Party and Reunion!
25/04/2013 – We’re in the Paper again!
25/03/2013 – I’m afraid I have very sad news to report. Philip Comber, 2nd Southwick Scout Group’s original Scout Leader, Group Scout Leader and the architect behind our Scout Hut 40 years ago, has died. He passed away last Thursday 21st March, aged 92, just weeks after his wife Joan.
25/02/2013 – We’re in the Paper again!
30/01/2013 – New Census figures are in, we’ve increased our numbers by 5 from this time last year. Excellent News. See the graph here!
17/09/2012 – Welcome back, Hope you all had a good summer break and enjoyed all the sport! All sections have prepared an exciting term’s programme for their young people.
22/04/2012 – Sr George’s Day Parade – Thank you for all those who took part, despite the weather.
29/01/2012 – We’re in the Paper!
29/01/2012 – Our group numbers are on the increase!
28/07/2011 – Updates to the Group Numbers Chart
03/05/2011 – Thank you to all the young people that attended the St George’s Day Parade at Lancing Leisure Centre on 18th April. It was difficult being in the middle iof the Easter Holidays so thank you for attending.
15/11/2010 – Thank you to all the young people (and parental supporters!) who took part in the act of Remembrance on Southwick Green on Sunday. Despite the weather, the event was well attended. Thank you!
14/11/2010 – A big thank you to all those who helped at last weekends (6th and 7th November) Hut Tidy up.
Your time and help is much appreciated!
01/11/2010 – Shooting Success – Both the Cubs and Scouts took part in the Annual District Air Rifle Shooting Competition. Please look at the Section’s individual pages for updates.
24/10/2010 – Oh Pretty! The web site has been updated to The Scout “Corporate” Colours!
20/06/2010 – AGM latest – Thank you to all those who attended.
30/05/2010 – Our AGM is not far away! All parents and friends of the Group are welcome to come along and see what we’ve been doing n the last year. For more details please email us.
18/04/2010 – Well done to the Cubs for coming SECOND in the District Fun Hike. The hike was a 3.5 mile walk on the down at the back of Sompting and Lancing. It was a beautiful spring day and a real pleasure to walk on the downs. Along the way there were various activities to do, and the Cubs were awarded points accordingly. Again well done!
20/02/2010 – Just to say, thank you to all those who voted on the Adur Pot of Gold web site, and to let you know we were successful in our bid for £funding for some roof insulation for our Hut.!
30/01/2010 – Census Figures are in! Click here to see our latest figures
24/01/2010 – Thank you for voting on the Adur Pot of Gold
06/01/2010 – Adur Pot Of Gold – Help us get a grant for some roof installation by visiting the Adur Pot of Gold website and voting for Bid 7.
04/01/2010 – Welcome Back – Subs are due!
20/12/2009 – Christmas 2009 Newsletter Issued – Open Here (opens PDF File)